Aya Baron is a scholar, wilderness guide and ritualist pursuing rabbinic ordination at Reconstructionist Rabbinical College after recently completing her master’s degree in Jewish studies from the Graduate Theological Union. Her studies build on six years of leadership at Wilderness Torah, an organization committed to reconnecting Judaism to its natural cycles. There, she established herself as a pioneer in earth-based Jewish practice by developing outdoor rites of passage experiences for b’nai mitzvah-age youth, as well as by training local and international teams of educators. Aya has served several additional JOFEE (Jewish Outdoor, Food, Farming and Environmental Education) organizations — most recently, Hazon — as a JOFEE fellowship mentor.
Azazel: עזאזל; entire removal [of sin and guilt from sacred places into desert on back of goat, symbolic of entire forgiveness] Brown-Driver-Briggs Dictionary, 736 The