Enrich Your Passover Experience

Explore a variety of ways to understand Pesakh and to immerse in its practices. 

We have curated a series of essays that open discussions and analyses of Passover by Erica Riddick, Rabbi Margie Jacobs, Rabbi Mychal Copeland, Max Buckler, Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein,  Rabbi Michael Strassfeld, Rabbi Vivie Mayer, Rabbi Ellen Bernstein, z”l, Dr Shoshana Fershtman and Rabbi Aryeh Bernstein.

Covenantal Community

What are our commitments to one another as part of a sacred community?
A conversation among Rabbi Jess Belasco, Shane Burley, Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer, Dr. Ali Michael, Rabbi Sid Schwartz, Rabbi David Teutsch, and Rabbi Deborah Waxman.

Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations

Evolve is an online platform with conversation-sparking essays from thought-provoking rabbis, leaders and creators. Explore essays on key topics, as well as curricula, sermon sparks and videos that apply the best thinking to contemporary questions.

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In Can We ‘Hold Each Other’ Online? Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer explores the community created through Ritualwell's 15-minute minyan 'Holding Each Other.' She shares about the power of a pause in the day for prayer and the opportunity to honor, recognize and see each other, even if community members never meet off line.
How can we unlearn the harmful teachings society places upon us and move toward liberation for fat people — and therefore, for all people?
The Mishnah mandates that people beyond the gender binary must be protected from all forms of harm. This so much more comprehensive than anything we have today to shield us from attacks.
Can joint peace groups like the Combatants for Peace make a difference, particularly in these very dark times?

What does it mean to apply the concepts of Mussar (Jewish ethical teachings) to everyday life? What about to confronting racism in the world, at a particular institution or even in oneself? Rabbi David Jaffe, author of Changing the World From the Inside Out and Yehuda Webster, a noted activist and teacher, point to examples of how this can work. Each shares how Mussar taught them how they could have behaved differently in certain situations and where drawing on its lessons led to more positive outcomes. They also discuss anti-racism work in the broader Jewish community, addressing the post Oct. 7 pushback while making the case for a renewed focus.

Open books laid out with pages facing up, creating a textured pattern of overlapping text.

Web Conversations

Evolve Web Conversations are opportunities for you to interact with our authors in real-time, by asking questions and challenging their assumptions. Videos and transcripts are posted in an archive for those who are unable to attend live.

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Close-up of olive branches with green olives, sunlight filtering through the leaves creating a warm, golden glow.

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The Reconstructionist Network