Roan Boucher is a facilitator consultant and political educator for social movement organizations. In 2010, he co-founded AORTA (the Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Alliance) and is now at Pollinator Consulting. He is passionate about supporting healthy communities and strong organizations through mediation, facilitation and culture-building. In addition to supporting groups to work together smoothly and equitably, he wants everyone to be talking about challenging Christian supremacy and Christian nationalism. To this end, he facilitates political education trainings for organizations, including Liberation for All of Us; Confronting Christian Supremacy; and Dismantling Antisemitism. Roan is also a movement artist, a member of his local mask bloc, on the board of the Jewish Covid Resilience Network, a member of Tzedek Lab and deeply involved in his Jewish community, Makom. He lives in the North Carolina Triangle region with his two children and two tiny dogs.