Sabrina Sojourner

Sabrina Sojourner is a Shaliakh Tzibur (Jewish Spiritual Leader), nationally recognized progressive thought leader, Community Chaplain, Educator, Word-Artist, and facilitator of important conversations on diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, belonging, and healing; as well as the future of Democracy and Judaism. She leads, teaches, and cultivates curiosity across the country as a featured speaker, Scholar or Guest Artist-in-residence, and faculty at Jewish and secular institutions, conferences, retreats, and gatherings across the country. People appreciate her precisely because she brings her authentic self to everyone and everything she touches. In 2021, Sabrina Sojourner was chosen by Forward Magazine as one of the seven most fascinating Jews of the year. On September 12, 2023, Sabrina Sojourner was recognized by the University of California Center for Religion and Civic Culture (CRCC) as one of 104 people who are engaged spiritually with the world. “Spiritual Exemplars are humanitarians who understand their lives and their work, as well as how their social action affects their beliefs and practices.” A walking multi-media exhibit at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism tells the stories of all 104 honorees. You can visit the exhibit virtually at Currently, she is a Co-chair for the Tikkun Olam Commission for Reconstructing Judaism and is a member of their Board of Governors. Sabrina continues as the Rosh Beit for Expanding the Canon, a program of Theater J located within the Edlavitch District of Columbia Jewish Community Center. With funding from The Covenant Foundation, Theater J commissioned seven playwrights from diverse Jewish backgrounds to create plays that will enhance the stories we tell about Jews and Judaism from the stage.


The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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