Resources on Judaism and Race

  • March 12, 2021

For continued reading:

Me and Jewish Supremacy by Sid Schwarz in the Times of Israel

Are Jews Black? by Tudor Parfitt on Tablet

A Beat to Which We Can All Move by Deborah Waxman, Ph.D, originally published on

Racial Justice and the Path to Redemption: A Conversation with Bryan Stevenson and Rabbi Sharon Brous

We Are Family: Rethinking Race in the Jewish Community by Rabbi Angela Buchdahl

Live and Learn with Rabbi Shawn Zevit and Ali Michaels: Whiteness and Unconscious Bias

Trailer of Monstrous by Sarah Waisvisz

“Making Of” video of Monstrous by Sarah Waisvisz

I’ve Been A Rabbi Fighting for Racial Justice For Decades But I Have Not Done Nearly Enough by Rabbi Sid Schwarz

Anti-racism Is About Humility by Meera Mohan-Graham

Our True Colors by Marra B. Gad

What I Wish Other Jews Knew About Romani Jews, by Sarah Elizabeth Hartman

More than a Feeling: Jews and Whiteness in Trump’s America by Mark Tseng-Putterman

Ashkenazi Privilege Checklist from the Jewish Multiracial Network

8 Nights, 8 Actions by activists

For the Sin of Racism: A Racial Justice Vidui by Sarah Barasch-Hagans

El Maley Rakhamim for Victims of Racial Violence by T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights

#BlackLivesMatter Haggadah Supplement by Jews for Racial and Economic Justice

Say Their Names: Kaddish for Black Lives and Terror Victims by Elliott batTzedek

Black Jewish Prayers for Dr. Martin Luther King, Shabbat, and Everyday by Dr. Tarece Johnson

#Omer4BlackLives from Jews for Racial and Economic Justice

White Jews: Stop Calling Yourselves “White-Passing” by Nylah Burton

I Told Jews To Think About What Being ‘White’ Means. Then The Racism Exploded by Nylah Burton

Sanctifying Black Lives by Rabbi Alex Weissman

As Jews of Color, We Need You to Read This Roundtable

JFREJ Juneteenth Seder Haggadah from Jews for Racial and Economic Justice

Is God Racist and Sexist? Why are We? text study by Rabbi Ari Lev Fornari

Reeling from my journey into America’s ugly past by Rabbi Amy Eilberg

“Diversity” Won’t Challenge Jewry’s Role in White Supremacy by Mark Tseng Putterman

Wholly Jewish: From Tennessee to Iraq and Back Podcast + transcript, by April Baskin

Black Jews Are Being Chased Out Of the Jewish Community By Racism. Here Are Their Stories. by Nylah Burton

Anti-Semitism – And Racism – Are Forcing Me To Choose Between My Black And Jewish Identities by Tamar Manasseh

Jews Of Color Have Been Consistently Undercounted By The American Jewish Establishment. Until Now. by Ari Feldman

Counting Inconsistencies: An analysis of American Jewish population studies, with a focus on Jews of Color 

Tiffany Haddish’s Bat Mitzvah Is a Powerful Affirmation for Black Jews by Rebecca Pierce 

White Jews: An Intersectional Approach by David Schraub

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh

When White Rabbis Talk About Race by Ruth Abusch-Magder

Bend the Arc Selah Leadership Cohort for Jews of Color

7 Ways Jews of Color are Included/Excluded in Synagogues by Anjelica Lyman, Lauren Fine, Micky Kling, Rohan Lakhani

Yiddisher Black Cantors by Renee Ghert-Zand

Anti-Racism Resources for Students and Professionals in Healthcare

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