Rabbi David A. Teutsch

Rabbi David A. Teutsch is the Wiener professor emeritus at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, where he previously served as president for a decade, and later as director of the Center for Jewish Ethics. He also served as executive director of the Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations and Havurot, as program director of the National Jewish Resource Center (now known as CLAL) and as a congregational rabbi. He is the editor in chief of the groundbreaking Kol Haneshamah prayerbook series and of a three-volume Guide to Jewish Practice, the first volume of which won a National Jewish Book Award, as well as dozens of other books and articles. His last book, co-written with Marilyn Price, is From Gratitude to Blessings and Back. He earned his A.B. with honors from Harvard University, his ordination from HUC-JIR in New York, and his Ph.D. at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where his dissertation was on organizational ethics. He also holds four honorary degrees. An internationally known consultant, coach and trainer, primarily to not-for-profit organizations and synagogues, Teutsch has been helping organizations for more than 45 years. He was co-chair of JStreet’s Rabbinic and Cantorial Cabinet. A past president of the Society of Jewish Ethics and of the Academic Coalition of Jewish Ethics, he has served on a broad variety of boards and editorial boards. He is also an avid biker.


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We Weep   

Ordinary Israelis and Palestinians should never have to live through the death, destruction, humiliation and torture that have marked recent days.

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