Tyranny, Democracy and the Jewish Mandate
Recent developments simply add to the wholesale assault on democracy that threatens America’s future.
Recent developments simply add to the wholesale assault on democracy that threatens America’s future.
The idea of chosenness is a barrier to a world in which every human being is seen as made in the image of God, worthy of respect and honor.
How do we keep going when the world is full of terror and suffering? A Kol Nidrei sermon exploring some possibilities.
As the participants in Adat Shalom’s service mission in Haiti engage in the practice of literally loving their neighbors as themselves, they feel deeply connected to the people with whom they work, to all of humanity and to the mystery of being.
Faith communities, when they work, are places that get people to focus on ethical values that encourage greater kindness and generosity, one for the other.
Click here to read “Reconstructionist Halaha” by Rabbi Sid Schwarz. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.
What is the role of a rabbi in Reconstructionist congregational life? Rabbi Sid Schwarz argues for a unique role in shaping the congregational culture. (Originally
A classic article suggesting important qualities of a synagogue that define it as “Reconstructionist”
Judaism can be made most relevant by creating communities that offer American Jews what America cannot give them.