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Spiritual Practice

Notice the spider web—the thin, silvery, strong and beautiful lines of light that connect you to those other Points of Light.
We have a hard road ahead, but not a lonely one. We have each other. And we have the Divine at our side, at our back, and within us.
It is important to find a sustainable sense of balance and long-term hope throughout a period of challenge, loss, disappointment and fear.
I have been in relationship with Joseph for years — wondering, puzzling, collecting the many hints in Torah that point to some queerness, some difference in Joseph’s gender.
The Maccabees, at least in their early days, were standard-bearers of the fundamentalist camp.
The presence of her absence fills the spaces where she used to be; the presence of her absence, that is what we live with now.
Rabbi Levi’s Abraham passes the test because he remains sufficiently calm and clear-thinking to avert a misinterpretation that would have ended Isaac’s life.
Interrupting ancestral patterns can be an important way to “honor your father and mother.”
My great-grandmother tells me that things have always been bad — that things have never been “normal” or calm or safe.

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Close-up of olive branches with green olives, sunlight filtering through the leaves creating a warm, golden glow.

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