Justice Work is a Mitzvah

  • September 28, 2018

How do we work to make things better? This interpretation of the morning Shaharit offers a way in: to act in spiritual alignment with creation for a more equitable and just world.

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משפיל גאים ומגביה שפלים

Mashpil ge’im umagbe’a shefalim

We express praise for the living and sustaining One who reduces those who are full of pride and lifts up those who are lowly, freeing the imprisoned, redeeming the humble, helping the powerless.

These phrases from the prayer for redemption (ge’ulah) in the daily morning service (Shaharit) are an essential way that I affirm that the pursuit of justice and equity is divine work. When I encourage someone to register to vote, for example, or when I am arrested protesting systemic racism, I align with the sacred processes in the universe that allow for the creation of a more just and equitable world.

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