Yale Professor Timothy Snyder, a scholar of totalitarian movements, wrote On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century in 2017. Snyder describes twenty practices that citizens can use in preparation for facing tyranny. We have asked each writer to take one of these practices and describe how they are able to pursue the practice and/or find the practice challenging. Rabbis Nancy Fuchs Kreimer and Sid Schwarz introduce and conclude this symposium, which includes the following contributors: Rabbi Armin Langer, Rabbi David Teutsch, Zach Teutsch, Rabbi Nate DeGroot, Rabbi Elyse Wechterman, Noa Levy, Rabbi Bonnie Koppell, Sabrina Sojourner, Rabbi Lex Rofeberg, Rabbi Aryeh Cohen, Rabbi Nathan Kamesar, Rabbi David Jaffe, Betsy Teutsch, Rabbi Mordechai Liebling, Rabbi Michael Pollack, Rabbi Alex Weissman, Ruth Messinger, Rabbi Jacob Siegel, David Ebenbach, Nathan Long, Rabbi Jacob Staub, Rabbi Jon Cutler, Rabbi James Greene and Andy Levin.
Introducing ‘Practices for Defending Democracy’ by Rabbi Nancy Fuchs Kreimer
- Do not obey in advance.
- Remain in Our Natural Habitat by Rabbi Armin Langer
- Defend institutions.
- Supporting J Street Defends the Institution of Democracy by Rabbi David Teutsch
- The Blessing of Paying Taxes by Zach Teutsch
- Beware the one-party state.
- Take responsibility for the face of the world.
- Actifests: Public Rituals That Promote a More Symbiotic World by Rabbi Nate DeGroot
- Remember professional ethics.
- Reminding One Other To Whom We Are Accountable by Rabbi Elyse Wechterman
- Be wary of paramilitaries.
- Ben-Gvir: Building a National Israeli Militia by Noa Levy
- Be reflective if you must be armed.
- Stand out.
- I Stand Out by Sabrina Sojourner
- Be kind to our language.
- Words Matter, and Words Are Matter by Rabbi Lex Rofeberg
- Believe in truth.
- We Need to Speak Truth Loudly by Rabbi Aryeh Cohen
- Investigate.
- We Need to Pursue Truth: Construct a Diverse Media Diet by Rabbi Nathan Kamesar
- Make eye contact and small talk.
- Greeting with a Pleasant Countenance by Rabbi David Jaffe
- Connecting with Neighbors by Betsy Teutsch
- Practice corporeal politics.
- Praying With Your Feet by Rabbi Mordechai Liebling
- Forcing Nonviolent Encounters Is Powerful: MarchOnHarrisburg by Rabbi Michael Pollack
- Establish a private life.
- A Time to Speak Loudly. A Time for Silence. by Rabbi Alex Weissman
- Contribute to good causes.
- On Giving by Ruth Messinger
- Invest Ethically by Jacob Siegel
- Learn from peers in other countries.
- Learning from Peacemakers in Ireland by Rabbi Nancy Fuchs Kreimer
- Listen for dangerous words.
- Any Word Can Be Weaponized by David Ebenbach
- We Should Be Free of Vermin Attacking Our Children by Nathan Long
- Be calm when the unthinkable arrives.
- I Will Not Fear: Practicing for These Times by Rabbi Jacob Staub
- Be a patriot.
- Showing Up for the Constitution by Rabbi Jon Cutler
- “It Must Be Important” by Rabbi James Greene
- Be as courageous as you can.
- Courage Has a Life of Its Own by Andy Levin
Closing: Tyranny, Democracy and the Jewish Mandate by Rabbi Sid Schwarz
Additional related essays on democracy:
- Sustaining Democracy Amid Cultural Pluralism: Mordecai Kaplan’s Vision By Rabbi Bill Plevan
- A Jewish Embrace of Democracy: Early Reconstructionist Judaism and America’s Promise by Rabbi Deborah Waxman
- The Work of Freedom is Ongoing, and It Takes All of Us: Democracy Circles by The Rev. Noelle Damico
One Response
All good topics. Stuff I need to know & learn