Teshuvah is Resilience
Rabbi David Basior on teshuvah
Rabbi Elliott Tepperman on welcoming the stranger.
Further reading:
Spiritual Activism: From Confusion to Liberation by Claudia Horwitz
Active Hope by Rabbi Toba SpitzerÂ
Introduction to Trauma, Healing, and Resilience by Rabbi Jessica Rosenberg
For the Sin of Racism: A Racial Justice Vidui by Sarah Barasch-HagansÂ
Meditation before Accompanying a Friend Facing an ICE Deportation Hearing by Sherry FymanÂ
Introduction to the Book of Ruth by Miriam Grossman and Rabbi Lev Meirowitz NelsonÂ
For Those Who Resist by Trisha ArlinÂ
Tikkun Olam: Our Turn curriculum from AvodahÂ
A Prayer for Wholeness By Rabbi Alex WeissmanÂ
B’tselem Elohim: Jewish Ethics, Sexual Harassment and the Workplace of the Future by David Teutsch, Mira Wasserman and Deborah Waxman
Lessons from Rabbi Lauren by Josephine RosmanÂ
18 Rituals for Social Activism on RitualwellÂ
Al Het for the World’s Refugees by HIASÂ
Bringing Light to the Darkness by RitualwellÂ
Tekhine for Planned Parenthood by Rabbi Ariana KatzÂ
Celebrate Your Dreams: Creative Ways to Commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day from Camp HavayaÂ
Prayer for International Human Rights Day by Rabbi Brant RosenÂ
Fair Trade Shabbat by Ilana SchatzÂ
Food Justice Seder Additions by Jessica SteinbergÂ
Ethical Consumption Kavannah by Maharat Dasi FruchterÂ
Bringing Holiness to the Front Lines from T’ruahÂ
Tikkun Olam Is Fake Judaism (A Modest Proposal)Â by Rabbi Maurice Harris
A Pre-March Dip by Michael PollackÂ
Courage to Withstand the Ridicule of the Worldly, a prayer by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan
How to Build Just and Holy Congregations by Rabbi Elliott Tepperman
Different Modes of Ally-ship by Jonathan Greenblatt and Yavilah McCoyÂ
Being Allies by Rabbi Barbara Penzner
A Tikkun for Tikkun Olam? How ‘To Heal the World?’ Corrupts Debate & Endangers Judaism by David Seidenberg
Overturning an Unjust Regime? by Amy Eilberg
Separating Children From Their Families Flies in the Face of Biblical Values by Amy EilbergÂ
Scapegoats on the Streets of San Francisco by Amy Eilberg
Next Year, Free: A Modern Slavery Curriculum by Rabbi Debra Orenstein, Rabbi Erin Hirsch, Nila M. Pusin, Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer